Future Plan Central Germany
Funding: State Chancellery Saxony-Anhalt, University of Leipzig, own project (acquisition project)
Project management: Prof. Dr. Michael Opielka
Publications: Michael Opielka, Saxony-Anhalt 2040 – Future Planning and Future Research, in: Staatskanzlei des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt (Hrsg.), Saxony-Anhalt 4.0. Where is the country in 25 years? Documentation on the speech contributions of the 22nd Wittenberg Talk on 11 March 2015, Magdeburg: Staatskanzlei Sachsen-Anhalt 2015, pp. 33-42; Michael Opielka, Future Plan Middle Germany. Documentation of the workshop of 17 June 2016 at the University of Leipzig / Metropolregion Mitteldeutschland. IZT Text 4-2015, Berlin.
The “Future Plan Central Germany” (German: “Zukunftsplan Mitte Deutschland”) is designed as a long-term foresight process for the scientifically supported, participatory development of future perspectives for the metropolitan region of Central Germany. Particular emphasis is placed on the sustainability of economic, social, social and cultural transformation. Within the scope of the 22nd Wittenberg Talk “Saxony-Anhalt 4.0. Where is the country in 25 years? “On March 11, 2015, Prof. Opielka gave a lecture on the topic “Saxony-Anhalt 2040 – Future planning and research”, published in the documentation of the event, on behalf of the State Chancellery of Saxony-Anhalt. As a further impetus for the project “Future Plan Central Germany”, a workshop was held on June 17, 2015 in Leipzig, conducted by Prof. Dr. Michael Opielka during his guest professor for social sustainability at the University of Leipzig. We invited 30 strategically-minded personalities from politics, business, culture and science with a keen interest in the future of the metropolitan region of Central Germany. The workshop was supported by the “Metropolregion Mitteldeutschland Management GmbH” and the IZT (Berlin). In a series of background talks in Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and amongst others with the Staatskanzlei Thuringia, the possibilities for financing the project “Future Plan Central Germany” have been examined since autumn 2015.